Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Self-helping books

or a long period of time I considered the self-help book and, in general, the publications aiming to make you happier and shining and more peaceful with a huge distrust. What profession is this, to help people to smile, to be themselves, to be happy? In fact, everybody wants to be like this, but what you cannot solve is the unpredictable and unfriendly environment. In conclusion, these self-help whatever are not to be taken into account, as their efficiency and professionalism is closer to the daily horoscopes.

It was a long time ago, more than 10 years, at a very beginning of my personal observation process of the human relations. Working in a very personalized environment as it is the case with the journalistic one, it was not necessarily a need to be too careful with the management of human resources. Journalists are supposed to be, by their professional definition, bold, mean, indifferent to what other people say. But, as I upgraded my level from a simple reporter to a middle executive, if these people do not understand the reason of being connected and coordinating with the others, their news could be a wonderful story, but without relevance for what the daily organisation of the newspaper. Hence, the need to create good communications links and to let people understand the necessity to be aware of the nonconflictual tools which could be used in relation with the others.

After these experiences, I continued to face various problems related to human resources distribution: people unhappy with their work because unable to go beyond their own limits, people unable to identify their potential in order to find the right place for outlining their capacities, people in a permanent conflictual competition with the others, but in the impossibility to realize that the most important problem relies in themselves.

With other words, the industry of self-help and coaching books is not a simple industry, but it is answering practical needs following the dramatic changes from the last years regarding our working environments, economic incertainties and outbursts of new communication tools. And I started to read several books about how to better improve ourselves, by a careful - almost scientifical - evaluation of our own resources and I also started to write one, about how to better communicate in and between institutions.

The practical experience is always the best key to create the opportunities for change and improvement. Of ourselves and of our environments. A new section in this blog will be dedicated to this books and articles dealing with how to communicate with ourselves, not only for the purpose of our very urgent commercial projects.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Quality and quantity and quality and quantity

I've intensively been busy the last days with reading and getting as much as possible information about the "global" writing market. More precisely, looked after blogs of writers and about writing and style and literature online. From tweet posts to various blogs and online literary agents. One interest is purely personal and direct, as I am preparing to reshape my career in literature writing, with some children books I am planning to finish in the coming months - the illustrations included. Another interest is related to the profession of writing and the ways in which Internet could be used to address this kind of questions, not always involving a very public side. You could write for yourself and the idea of sharing to anonymous eyes your writings is for some a voyeurism not wholeheartely accepted.

Hope to be able to follow some of the advices I've found out and to put into practice a couple of the ideas I went through this intensive reading. As I hope to improve considerably my writing skills.

As for the market, I have a very banal conclusion: the opportunities are impressive and the choices huge. Writing is an ovewhelmingly global trend and the area of subjects covered is enormous. What does it makes the difference? The quality of the words from a sentence, of the sentences from the paragraph, of the paragraphs of a post. In other words, the survival of the best.