As an observation related to the style, I very much appreciated the very simple and accessible style of the presentation. Natural, with humour. I am following him on Twitter and often I was surprised by the quality of the articles and information tweeted.
Yesterday, I had the occasion to discover how to be able to put together all these information and to send it further. You could ask yourselves - as I did as well - what is the relevance of sending neutral links about photography, design, social media, travel etc.? It is not better to have your personal message and to create your own brand based on what you are?
Most probably, the last solution is possible too. I am trying to do my best to be as natural as possible, but I am convinced equally that for a big share of my followers, it is not pretty interesting. And, from a day to another the number of my followers is fluctuant, as probably many of them are not interested at all of getting too many links about topics they do not have any clue about - as about science, communities in the Middle East or future of the book (only to randomnly mention a couple of my areas of interest these days).
At the yesterday webinar, the discussion focused on the best use of Twitter for business purposes, Kawasaki considering this tool as a "marketing weapon", able to monitor your own products. But, as well, to engage communties, sell your goods and services and find the necessary support. In order to find out more, you have to use the "search" option for finding not what it is discussed now about your products and business interests, find professionals in the area. You could maintain high interest from the part of your followers providing them fresh information. StumbleUpon or Alltop - the examples he mentioned - could be used to match your interests and identitfy topics worthy to forward. Your tweets could be scheduled, made be part of a campaign developed on other media tools - as Facebook - or personalized via TweetHawk.
One of my conclusion is: it is not enough to be present on various social media tools, you have to know how to let other people notice your presence.
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