It is not the first or the last time when I say that I am living in the perfect possible worlds (for me). I am happy to be connected with people from all over the world and share ideas and suggestions. I love that I can use Skype for conference calls, new clients, friends and relatives. I love that it is possible nowadays to travel with the speed of light and see so many wonderful places around the world. I am also happy that nowadays with a bit of inspiration, courage and a lot of work I can publish my own books and articles and be completely independent work-wise. When I grew up in a communist country, coping with censorship, 2 hours of TV per day and frequent light black-outs I could not imagine that such a world exist, but the best in life is to expect the unexpected.
In the last weeks, I dedicated almost all my time to my growing business of the travel blogs. Somehow, I find amazing realizing for how many time I was only concerned about writing and reading, without considering to organize a bit my time and my skills and launch something serious and clearly targeted. But it is not too late to get on the right track, even though I feel sometimes that I am centuries away from a real achievement.
The main encouragement is that I see each day how things are changing positively. At the beginning of each day, I try to find some new tools and quality communities and every two days I check the results - mainly the audience. Last week, I used extensively Google+, through the dedicated communities of bloggers and travel writers, as well as StumbleUpon (till now, only in a passive way, simply sharing my pages, without too much interaction). I see how things are improving and I feel that I am going on the right path.
The main sources of inspiration not only from the point of view of writing style, are the successful blogs: you can see, for instance, how to set up a professional media file (I am more than thousand visitors away from such an achievement, but I am getting ready), what could be the opportunities for sponsorships, what are the best networks to increase traffic, how to address different topics, what could be the opportunities for more visibility. My biggest problem right now is the look of my travel blogs (but of that one as well), especially my lack of understanding of the qualities of Wordpress. The plan for today and tomorrow is to get some crash course, unless I want to pack my articles and move to another online house.
Another thing I should do as soon as possible is to set up a list of possible sponsorships that may help me advance some of my writing and travel projects. Usually, this is the weakest link in my professional evolution chain, but I hope that after I will have a tasty cake and a strong cup of coffee, I will be able to be more focused and bold.
The adventure continues! Keep in touch!
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