The more I am reading various online free marketing resources the more I appreciate the wonderful times we are living when you can have access to so many useful resources that could help you change dramatically your business perspectives and, consequently, your financial status.
This booklet is first of a long series of Hubspot resources that I will review in the next posts. In less than one hour I got a lot of information and tips that otherwise you pay a lot to have access to. As a curious and passionate reader I downloaded them all and I am ready to spend long and fruitful hours reading and blogging about them.
The main aim of this ebook is to provide a simple guidance through the marketing strategy: 'from establishing your initial keyword strategy and leveraging social media to promote content online'.
The main steps are:
- Create a keyword strategy for your business - This section urged me to start redefining completely the media strategy of my modest blogging empire, but this plan will be the subject of further blog posts.
Thus: you should find a list of 3-5 keywords relevant to your business, very well defined that you should mention permanently in your posts, the title of the page, the metadescription and various labels associated to your blog. On the other hand, you should avoid the keyword stuffing.
- Increase your chances to be found by: on-page SEO - which counts for 25% of your overall search engine ranking, respectively off-page SEO - meaning what other websites and blogs say about you. The latter aspect is very important for businesses.
- Create a blog and provide quality writing. Organize your posts and update the content regularly. It is recommended to include various downloadable books, learning materials, free consultation and webinars.
- Promote your content through social media. Also, create various Google Alerts for your area of interest that will allow you to be updated permanently. If you are a business, you should use the tools dedicated to Premium customers, as for instance Twitter for business.
- Try to convert your website traffic into profit. In addition to the media content you need to offer to the visitors to your site other resources. Evaluate permanently the metrics and try to adapt your content and strategy to what your customers/visitors/readers are looking for. Find the right solutions to engage them, including by setting up a permanently updated e-mail list and sending regular newsletters.
- Adapt your website to the challenges of social media, for example, by creating dedicated versions of your blog for mobile viewing.
- Permanently analyze and refine the marketing strategies by:
1. identification of new opportunities
2. correction of eventual mistakes and inadequate perspectives
A lot of work to do, but before that, many other Hubspot books waiting to be read! Will be blog back very soon!