Very often, people who think about assignment in the domain of content management are implying that it suits very much a creative project. Telling a story about an idea, a book, a humanitarian cause always need a proper wording that can be done only by professional writers, with a deep knowledge of the topic. However, as in the case of advertising, telling stories about everything that can be sold or merchandised in general is becoming more and more important for the success of the business. Remember how the advertising evolved from a plain direct presentation of a project one is intending to offer in exchange of money to the elaborated and sometimes very artistic - both in terms of visuals and wording - stories associating mystery and emotions? The same revolution in perception is taking place right now in the case of content management.
One clear example of the fundamental change of paradigm is the case of e-commerce. It is equally an interesting and challenging example, as compared to the usual advertising, the amount of time that the potential buyer of a product spend browsing the online offer is significantly short - probably within 5 long seconds. Thus, the higher the importance of telling a very good story about the product displayed for purchase.
Before one starts creating the story, a couple of important information are needed: for instance, what are the target customers, their gender, age, social status. The language used to tell the story is very important as well, because it should contain key-words addressing the audience.
A propos of key-words. The unforgettable and hard to resist SEO is here too, as your story should necessarily include the most important words that are generally used to find out products from the category you are displaying. On the other hand, the times of the oversaturated SEO words are long gone. Nowadays, you need to use the right context where to skilfully insert the requested words.
The role of the good writer for the success of your e-commerce enterprise is important when it comes to other aspects related to the promotion and customer relations: for the regular newsletter sent regularly inviting to competitions, discounts and new offers; for the social media presence; for the way in which the customer service is ready to answer various requests; for the media interaction, especially with the bloggers.
All these signs are extremely encouraging for the writers and the power of words.